Monday, August 20, 2012


Our tryouts start on Thursday August 23rd at 8:00 am at Hood Park.  All players should arrive early with the following materials.

Please bring:

A physical that will be valid through the entire season.  They are good for 13 months but if it expires during tryouts, practices, or the regular season, then you will not be allowed to play until you get a new one.

Soccer cleats and shinguards

     MIAA Shinguards rule -

                       Rule 4-1-1: Shinguards must meet the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment
(NOCSAE) specifications. The NOCSAE seal and the appropriate height range of the player shall appear on the
shinguard. Beginning with 2012 fall season, the NOCSAE seal and height range shall be permanently marked on
the front of the shinguard.

Water - There will be water provided but players should be prepared as well.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Great opportunity for LCHS Soccer players

Mass Premier Soccer Camp

From Wed.  August 15th to Friday August 17th.  9:00 am to 1:00pm on the RHS turf.  101 School St. Revere,Ma

Coach Upton-

Massachusetts Premier Soccer has invited players from LCHS to participate in a preseason camp to help prepare for the season. This camp is offered for FREE! MPS is a club soccer program that is always looking for players. This would allow you to be seen by a program that trains and plays in the offseason while preparing for our season. This is a great opportunity and I hope our team will be able to send a significant number of players. I need a head count so I need players to email me and answer the poll question if you can attend. If you don't have email, get in touch with me by phone or inform a captain.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Attention all players!!!

We have had issues dealing with physicals over the past few years, unfortunately.  Last year we did better but the rules have now changed and you need to be aware of it. 

Starting this season - If your physical expires during the season, then you will need another.  For example, if had a physical on file for from August 23rd 2011,  It will be valid until September 23rd 2012.  Once it expires, you will not be allowed to play until you get a new one.  Physicals are valid for 13 months.  I will post a list of players who need to be concerned about their physical date and those who are all set.  Email me with any questions or check in with the captains.

Coach Upton

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Here's video of the State Tournament game vs. Pentucket.  Take a look at how you played individually.  Keep in mind, it's easy to look at what you did well, but it helps your game more if you look at things that you struggled with.

Soccer Eligibility and Rules

LCHS Boys Soccer Eligibility and Rules

1.  Student Athletes must turn in a valid physical from the last 13 months and turn in a signed permission slip.

            2.  Parents must attend Parent Information Night for Athletics on September 13th at 6:30pm.  If a parent or guardian cannot attend then the student athlete will not be able to play until their parent or guardian meets at LCHS. 

            3.  Academics – Students Athletes will not be able to play sports if they fail any 2 classes. 

            4.  Student Athletes must take the concussion baseline testing. 

            5.  Student Athletes must turn in the Pre-Participation Head Injury/Concussion Reporting Form for Extracurricular Activities.


            -  Be on time.  Arrive 15 minutes early for practice.  Please bring a note if you are late for practice.  Being habitually late for practice or late for a game will effect playing time.

            -  Be on time for school.  If you are late for school, then you will need to get a note from a vice principal in order to participate in the days’ activity.  After 3 tardies, you will receive detention and will need a note from Mr. Constantino.  This will effect playing time.

            -  The trainer’s room is not a hang out.  Game day athletes will be taken care of first and then those that will be practicing. 

            -  Do not hang out in the locker room.  Get in, change, and get out. 

            -  Student Athletes will wear a shirt and tie on game days.  If you are not, then it will effect your playing time.  Coach Upton will have extra ties available in his classroom.

            -  If you don’t practice, you don’t play.  If you miss practices before a game, then you will not play in the next game.  If you have to miss a practice, please tell a coach and it may be excused.

            -  Follow school rules.  You represent Lynn Classical at all times, which especially means you need to be good school citizens.